Hello, hello. Yesterday me and Faz were supposed to attend a meeting with the open house committee(sp?) regarding details on open house, at 10am in the morning. So, when Faz called me at 9.48am I was just getting out of bed. Terrible, first meeting as p and vp then late already. :/
Lepak-ed at some korner with Weilin, Aylwin, Faz and Cp and waited for Aylwin to finish filming his pinoy drama, then off we went to town, to buy Weilin's awesome ipod touch! zomgz. She even got a free set of earphones that cost 125 bucks.
Practice was awesome as usual, just that i realised that if you're playing snare, its almost impossible to hear what other people are playing, which is quite bad, haha. By the end of prac the knobs from the snare that were DIGGING INTO MY CROTCH, made my crotch hurt like OMFGCB. Yeah, I fear I may suffer from crotch-pain-until-unable-to-have-sex syndrome. Not that I'm getting any, not anytime soon anyway. D: